Two New Zondervan Theology Volumes!

This week sees the release of two theology volumes for Accordance, both of which can be obtained for special introductory prices.

Renewal Theology Renewal Theology
Author: J. Rodman Williams

This work is a systematic theology from a charismatic perspective. Written by J. Rodman Williams, former professor of theology at Regent University School of Divinity, this work combines three previous titles (God, the World and Redemption; Salvation, the Holy Spirit and Christian Living; and The Church, the Kingdom, and Last Things) into one volume.

Not another dry systematic theology, this work encourages the reader to have a proper spirit of reverence when examining the Scriptures for truth about God and his revelation.

Williams Renewal Theology
(Click the image above for a full size product illustration.)

Renewal Theology
Regular price $69.90

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Bird-Theology Evangelical Theology
A Biblical and Systematic Introduction

Author: Michael Bird

A fairly recent work (2013), this theology by Michael Bird—lecturer in theology at Ridley Melbourne College of Mission and Ministry in Melbourne, Australia—is written to “produce a textbook for Christians that represents a biblically sound expression of the Christian faith from the vantage point of the evangelical tradition.” Although a “serious work,” Bird’s sense of humor regularly comes through in his writing, making this another theology text that is quite readable. Bird writes for both the scholar and the layperson with the regular use of tables, sidebars, and questions for discussion.

Bird's Evangelical Theology(Click the image above for a full size product illustration.)

Evangelical Theology
Regular price $49.90

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