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Victor Gutierrez

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After a rough installation, i can say that i am loving accordance in my iPad. One of the features that i miss the most from my other bible app is bookmarking. This app is a lot more complex, bur having bookmarks made a lot of tasks very easy in the other app (i translate several services). If that is planned, could i also suggest the ability to organize those bookmarks? Thanks.


Have a good Lord's day.


Victor Gutierrez

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I agree. I use Stanza for my ePub reading. Its bookmarking feature is nice. I was planning on moving over to the Accordance app for my reading. but, without some sort of bookmarking feature, it's pretty difficult.


So, let this be my feature request for the future: bookmarking.



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Yes, bookmarking. And similarly, it would be nice if modules could remember where I was when I left them instead of restarting at the beginning.

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Yes, bookmarking. And similarly, it would be nice if modules could remember where I was when I left them instead of restarting at the beginning.

I second both of the above. While I don't miss bookmarking on Accordance on my Mac, that's because I pretty much only use that for serious study. The Bible software on my mobile devices has to play the role of quickly looking up favorite passages as well as the new 'study to go' options Accordance iOS gives me.

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  • 3 months later...

I agree. I use my iPad to read most of my devotional readings (through the Bible in a year). And when I get caught up in a search, I inevitably forget where I left off. (I know, I'm forgetful like that). A bookmark would be wonderful so I wouldn't have to go back out to see what I've read and where I am. Please make us a bookmark!

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And similarly, it would be nice if modules could remember where I was when I left them instead of restarting at the beginning.


I third this! It's the single most frustrating part of an otherwise excellent app.

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  • 2 months later...

Bookmarks are so needed.

Right now if I am reading a Module and switch to the Bible to read

there is no way to come back to the Module and continue reading

where I left off.


So I am left looking at the sentence where I stopped reading and

then typing that into a note in the Notes app (since there is no copy function).

Then when I come back to read, I copy the sentence out of the Notes app

paste the sentence into the Accordance search bar to continue reading.

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Although it doesn't have bookmarks, 1.3 will come back to where you were in each module. It's due out later next week.

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Thanks Helen, that's great news

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  • 3 weeks later...

The 'return to where you were' feature in the latest upgrade is great, but really doesn't take away the need for being able to keep a list of bookmarks of favorite passages for visitation and the like, or to quickly flick between different passages for a sermon or lecture.


Another feature which would help me for preaching would be 'NON-parallel' panes, so you could have (for example) sermon or lecture notes open in a pane which would not be affected by you moving from one passage to another in the primary pane.

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The 'return to where you were' feature in the latest upgrade is great, but really doesn't take away the need for being able to keep a list of bookmarks of favorite passages for visitation and the like, or to quickly flick between different passages for a sermon or lecture.

Agreed. We recognize the need for a more robust bookmarking feature.


Another feature which would help me for preaching would be 'NON-parallel' panes, so you could have (for example) sermon or lecture notes open in a pane which would not be affected by you moving from one passage to another in the primary pane.

Perhaps the best way to address this is to allow any type of module in a parallel pane? Modules that are "versified" (Texts, Reference Tools, User notes) would retain their synchronized scrolling while other types of module would not. So if you built your sermon or lecture notes as a User Tool you could then achieve the desired user experience.



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  • 6 months later...

Bookmarks are still needed.

I see no one has seconded this lately, so I thought I'd chime in.

I am new to the iOS app, after using the computer-based product for a very long time and using an, um, competing product on my iPod Touch. I read daily through biblical texts (Greek and Hebrew) on my mobile device, but also look up other passages and need to be able to mark and return to where I was in my consecutive reading.


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Agree with the need for bookmarks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Also agree with the need for easily accessible multiple bookmarks.

Overall though this is a great piece of software.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll chime in - I just purchased an iPad about 2 weeks ago and as I'm prepping for tomorrow mornings class and going through all my scripture references, I noticed that bookmarks are not available. That would be such a huge help so that I could quickly go to a passage without having to search for the next passage each time. I think it would make it just a little less cumbersome to use in a "live" setting vs. a studying/research setting.

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  • 1 month later...

I thought I'd add a story to this thread. As I'm sure the Accordance team is aware, late last year Bible Reader brought out a Mac/Windows app. BR is a mature mobile app and they have cleverly mirrored the mobile UI on the Mac/PC app. I've been using BR on the iPad (along with Youversion for its Bible reading plans) for my personal devotions, and found myself taking more notes since the iPad is a perfect in between device. This led me into buying a few resources and trying it toying with it as my primary Bible software. Of course, as good as it is as a general Bible app, the BR Mac app doesn't have a patch on Accordance so I've been in a bit of a tiz about it all lately.


As I've reflected on what it is that's holding me back from using Accordance as my primary devotional tool I realised it comes down to the simple lack of bookmarking. I know it can never replace the desktop version for sheer power, nor do I expect it to have the polish and features of BR (yet) but this simple feature would enable me to make Accordance for iOS my primary iOS Bible app.


Knowing this and some other features are coming is heartening and I'm transferring all my notes into Accordance and will work around the issue, but consider this a plea!


P.S. Please don't read this as a put down of BR in any way. I really am fond of it.

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