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User Tool Editor

Greg Terry

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Once again I am frustrated by the User Tool editor. We REALLY need to have this tool updated.


This time I imported an article which I wished to have in Accordance and none of the scripture links were recognized on import. So, I went through and manually formatted each scripture as a link and nearly all of them did not turn out as links. They were underlined with a black line but it did not link. They seemed to quite making links after I changed the font size of the entre module.


This seems to be another in the long line of frustations I have with this feature of Accordance. I know everyone has been hard at work adding new features and modules to Accordance and I thank you for that. But, could we possibly get some of the bugs removed fromt he user tool editor?



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Greg, like you, I would like to see the User Tool editor beefed up significantly.


In regard to the errors you've experienced, I've had similar flaky behavior in the past which I remedied by restarting Accordance. I tend to just leave Accordance running nearly at all times on my Mac, and no doubt it's sometimes running for days at a time. I've noticed that like any program, when Accordance starts to act wonky, I can restart it and it usually works as it's supposed to. FWIW, I've experienced restarting Accordance affect correct User Tool import specifically.

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That sounds reasonable. However, in this instance I had just started Accordance shortly before creating the User Tool. I normally don't keep programs running past when I am using them and I also power down my computer when I will not be using it.


I am not expecting new features in the User Tool editor. I would just like what we have to work reliably.


I tried again to link the scriptures and it worked as expected. I am beginning to think it is possible I may have been using CMD-U instead of CMD-L to make the links. If so, that would explain the behavior I experienced. That being the case, this one could have been stupidity on my part. :unsure:


Although, there are a few issues with the User Tool editor remaining.

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