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Shortcuts for user tools


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I'm making grammatical notes of various features in the Gk/Hb in a user tool (thank you for the wonderful functionality), but I'm really struggling with how tedious it is to switch back and forth between the languages and alignments. I'm often highlighting certain words, and it's also tedious to double-click, go find the menu, choose the right color, and then repeat 10 times. Is there any way to have shortcuts to "re-do" the last command, or perhaps user-defined shortcuts for such things as alignment?


I also often have trouble when I change the alignment of a chunk of Hebrew: the English beneath it sometimes reverses its own alignment, and it's an absolute nuisance to correct it all the time. Am I doing something wrong?


Many thanks,


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I recommend always using extra spaces between sections of text in different directions, and perhaps an extra return to avoid alignment problems, as these are very difficult to program.


Your first request is easy, though. Use Copy Style Only and Paste Style Only in the Copy as submenu of the Edit menu. This should copy and paste the font, size, color and other styling. The keyboard shortcuts are command [ and ].

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Dear Helen,


I tried command [ and command ], but they didn't work. I just tried it again, and they did. Sorry -- must have been user error!


But as a followup: in making my own notes, I'd like to be able to transliterate. I can't figure out how to have a vowel with a macron (for long vowels). From what I've seen on the forum, Unicode isn't possible. Is this true? For how long? Until then, is there a workaround?


Many thanks,


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Once again, you can copy as transliteration, and it converts the text to our Rosetta font with the correct diacritical marks.

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Thank you so much for the quick and excellent help. I've worked with Unicode so much I'd forgotten I needed to look for font-specific information. I found the PDF on fonts, shortcuts, etc. Thank you!


On copying as transliteration, I found that if I did so, it worked correctly when pasting into an application outside Accordance, but if I pasted into an Edit User Tool window, it actually pasted it in the original font. Is this a bug? I had to paste into an outside application, then copy that text, and then I could paste it into the Edit User Tool window.



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I'm seeing this same thing: If I copy as transliteration and paste into a User Tool, it pastes as the Hebrew or Greek.


If I switch from Accordance to another app and come back (without pasting), then I can paste the transliterated form.



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You are correct, the transliteration switch only comes into effect if you leave Accordance, just a click on another window and click back is sufficient.

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