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I am new to Accordance, so please forgive the naive question. I am interested in bringing my sermons and other topic notes into User Tools. Should I create a different user tool for each sermon and topic or should I create one user tool for all of them and set the sermon title or topic title as "T"s so they show up in the index of the user tool? Thanks!

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It probably depends on how many sermons and topics you have and how they are organized. For topics, I would probably just create one User Tool, unless you have a huge number and they can easily be divided into a few categories.


For sermons, I would think it might be wise to categorize in some way and create more than one User Tool. While I don't keep my actual sermons in Accordance, I do keep my planning notes for sermons in Accordance. I usually following a lectionary for my preaching, so I have one tool for each year of the lectionary (A, B, and C when I was following the Revised Common Lectionary, 1, 2, 3, 4 when following the Narrative lectionary) I do non-lectionary series sometimes, too, and then each series has its own tool.



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Preparee all your sermons with the headings etc. and then save it as .html now you can it import over


in order which you want.

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