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HTML Import: Formatting verses


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Monday, February 26, 2007

How Accordance Imports HTML


In an Accordance bible module, I can search by, say, "2:1" (i.e., {BookName} 2:1). If I import an HTML doc that has verses, how do I tag the verse reference so that I can search in a similar fashion? As it is now, if I search by "2:1" I get no returns

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When you import HTML into a user tool, Accordance automatically tags any identifiable scripture references. You should then be able to search for them in the Scripture field just like any other tool.

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When you import HTML into a user tool, Accordance automatically tags any identifiable scripture references. You should then be able to search for them in the Scripture field just like any other tool.


I knew I should've included an example. Importing, say, a Quran comes with verses like "2:125". I'd like to be able to search by "2:125", but I don't know how to tag the "2:125" part as a verse header. Thought it's currently in {chapter}.{verse} format, e.g., "2.125" even for "2.125" comes up null. I'm asking if there's a specific mark-up for ({Book}) {Chapter}:{Verse} that Accordance recognizes.


Edit to above:

I just accidentally searched by 2 * 125 (i.e., 2{space}*{space}125) and did successfully find the reference. I'd still be interested in the above information nonetheless.





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Importing, say, a Quran comes with verses like "2:125". I'd like to be able to search by "2:125", but I don't know how to tag the "2:125" part as a verse header. Thought it's currently in {chapter}.{verse} format, e.g., "2.125" even for "2.125" comes up null. I'm asking if there's a specific mark-up for ({Book}) {Chapter}:{Verse} that Accordance recognizes.


As you discovered, searching for verse references isn't hard. But I now see what you're requesting, and I think it'd be a great idea. No functionality like that yet, but the use of heading tags really comes close to replicating what you're asking for, and may do the trick. Experiment with adding <H1> tags to the beginning of every chapter and then <H2> tags to every chapter.verse reference. If you can accomplish that with a search and replace using wildcards before you import the HTML, it will duplicate the "separate with space" text viewing option, but otherwise just might accomplish what you're wanting.


Also, have a look at how the TLG imports the Greek volumes. Basically, it makes each new chapter a chapter that appears in the Tool Browser. This way, you can both browse easily at least.




Another option to tag and search verse references, you could simply format them with one of the available tags that aren't being used (such as Rosetta). This would allow you to search by that tag. You'd have to manually change each reference though. So scratch that option.


A real kludge would be to add "Co" to the from of every chaper.verse reference. "Co" as in C/Koran... which should be Quran, I know, but it's the best I could think of. If you did so, on import, all the references would be tagged as scripture references and be searchable as such. (if you clicked them, they'd amplify to Colossians... but just don't click on them. :)

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In general Accordance recognizes as references only those which refer to the Bible. There are some specific options for finding references to non-Biblical texts from another corpus like Qumran or Pseudepigrapha, but the Quran is not one of them. Therefore you are asking simply to search the text content of a tool, and I think you have found the answer.


You cannot tag these as references, but you can use the asterisk to stand for the punctuation. This also works for finding orphan Bible references in other tools, that are not in the Scripture field because the algorithms could not identify them accurately.

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