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Automator Gen-Rev NRSVS Makes Accordance Hang

Darin Franklin

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I'm playing with the Automator actions (very cool), and managed to find a bug.


Set up an Automator workflow:

1. Get Specified Text: Gen-Rev

2. Get Text from Accordance: NRSVS


Run it. Accordance gives the Spinning Beach Ball of Death.


If you choose a text like NAS95S, then Gen-Rev works. I think the addition of Tob-4Macc in NRSVS causes this problem. The limit for NRSVS seems to be Gen-Luke. Gen-John hangs.


I realize that it only returns the first 500 verses, but it should not hang.

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I can confirm what Darin reports. The bug is in the Accordance code that handles the apple event, no matter where it's called from (a service, a script, etc.)


tell application "Accordance" to return «event AccdTxRf» {"NRSVS", "Gen-Rev", false}

Using a search range for "Gen" returns Gen 1.1 thru 20.4.

"Gen-Luke" also returns Gen 1:1-20:4

Deut-Rev also works as expected

Gen-John beachballs Accordance

Ex-Rev beachballs Accordance

The beachball happens with NRSVS and with CEB, so may be apocrypha-related.

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