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How DICEE is Accordance?

David Lang

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Guy Kawasaki, former Apple evangelist, recently posted this on his blog:


This is a duhism if I
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Accordance is a great product in my opinion. All of the DICEE attributes are true as far as I can tell. The comment about the presentation of the product by the chairman is especially interesting. I don't know who does the online demos for Accordance, but if you watch the Accordance demos and then go to Logos or BibleWorks and watch their demos, it is obvious there is a major quality/elegance difference in Accordance over other popular software. Honestly, watching the Logos and BibleWorks demos made me laugh out loud when I was comparing software versions. The time and quality of the Accordance demos carry over into every aspect of the program. Thanks for a great product.


Robb Brunansky,

Pastor-teacher, Community Bible Church

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Pretty DICEE indeed. Definitely deeper than I've been able to dig. Great support- the most personal I've experienced. After many years dealing with Logos, it is refreshing. Elegant indeed. I would love to see RB demonstrate Accordance live!

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Deep - Depends on how much you spend :-) But yes, it's very deep.


Indulgent - Double clicking on an accordance workspace and instantly having the original language, four translations and notes all ready to go is very indulgent. Love it!


Complete - Someone needs to do a better job at organizing and cataloging user tools and such, but the product and its support is very good. Big kittel would make it better :-)


Elegant - I sit next to a guy in seminary who always has Logos open. When things need to be looked up in a hurry, he turns to me and I look it up in Accordance. Need I say more?


Emotive - Anytime someone tells me they are waiting for Logos for mac, I give 'em a demo...



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