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Search with LN domains?

Rod Decker

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Is it possible to construct a search that includes semantic domain ranges from Louw & Nida? E.g., is it possible to do a search for any two verbs from LN domain 33, Communication, that occur within 2 words of each other and both are imperfect tense?


The goal would be to find any grammatical parallels to Mark 11:17, ἐδίδασκεν καὶ ἔλεγεν . There are no other instances using those two verbs, but I would not be surprised if there were similar pairs with two other verbs of speaking.

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Sorry, there is no way to do this automatically. We would love to add thesaurus type searches based on semantic domains, but other features have always been more pressing.


You can, however, make your own list of the candidate words and put them in the first column of a construct. Duplicate the list in the second column and add a WITHIN constraint and a NOT AGREE lemma constraint. I will add a screenshot after I attempt this.





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Thanks. I'll play with that option.


It may seem like a seldom-used type of search, but it could be a very useful capability. The grammars frequently discuss usage with various type of verbs. E.g., verbs of sense perception often take their object in genitive rather than accusative. There has been no official list of these various verb types (I suspect they originate with the "sense" of veteran scholars), but by being able to combine Accord's grammatical search capabilities with L&N's semantic domains, it's possible that we could advance the discussion in this direction. So I'd encourage you not to bury the idea, but move it to a higher priority on the development scale. We grammarians would appreciate it very much! :)

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  • 5 years later...

I agree as well!


I believe this would open up a whole new realm of semantic/syntactic research.

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Hi ya,


   I tried something with LN to generate a word list. That was then used to generate queries that could be run against another tool. http://www.accordancebible.com/forums/topic/14427-searching-bdag-by-semantic-domain/?hl=%2Bsemantic+%2Bdomains+%2Bbdag


  Perhaps something hacked from that code might help you.




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