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New in 8.1: Moore Improved User Notes

Tom Castle

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Hey folks. I read the blog post entitled, "New in 8.1: Moore Improved User Notes" with much interest. Here is my observation. For verses that do not already have notes entered, I cannot seem to get this feature to work. I have to hit cmd U. Once I have entered some text for a specific verse, I can get this to work fine.


I'm assuming its because of the selection of the verse being removed when I click in the notes pane. My question is: Is there a way to make this work? A setting? Just deal with it? LOL


Thanks folks.

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Hi Tom,


Here is my observation. For verses that do not already have notes entered, I cannot seem to get this feature to work. I have to hit cmd U. Once I have entered some text for a specific verse, I can get this to work fine.


I guess the feature you cannot get to work (for verses that do not already have notes entered) is (from Blog)...


a more convenient way to edit your user notes in place: simply click in a user notes pane and start typing


I agree that this feature only works for existing notes.


A possible workaround:


If you would like to simulate this feature when adding a note for a verse (that does not have one yet) then you can take advantage of a feature of Edit User Note (Selection menu or command-u)... (If an Edit window exists then it is brought to the front when you hit command-u)


So, if you do not close the Edit window after updating an existing user note then a future command-U will bring the Edit window up front on top of the user note pane. To update the Edit window without closing it choose Save (File menu or command-s). If you click on the Update button or hit the Enter key then the Edit window will close.


Did you ask for an elegant workaround?


Hope this helps



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