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Basic Search Window & Drop Down Menu


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Eliminate, not illiminate -- LOL. I guess there is not way to edit the titles on the forum. (I guess illiminate is to get rid of something by shining light on it.)


Accordance uses the same search window for searching for a verse or searching for a word. Perhaps the most frequent use of the search window is simply to bring up a text to read or consider. For example, one may put "Gen" in the search window to bring up Genesis. Now if for some reason the search choice is set for word, an immediate annoyance occurs: A drop-down menu of alternatives to Gen appears (Gen is not a word in the Bible). At this point one may have the bother of having to go over to that window with the mouse and take action to get it off the screen (until one learns as I did today that Esc removes the menu.) If instead, one just pushes "enter," one finds "gender" entered in the search window (which one did not want put there & then one has to deal with that.


Of course this is operator error from the start, but I wonder how many of us find this annoyance recurring? I'm not sure what the best way to deal with this is. I think that other Bible programs avoid this by not using the same window for word search and to bring up Bible text.

Thanks for your consideration of this problem.


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I would suggest two possible things that you can do differently, to try to avoid this inconvenience.


1) When simply pulling up a specific passage, say 'Gen', it often helps to put this information in the GoTo box at the bottom of the screen rather than the Entry box at the top. This GoTo box just jumps to that location in your window, rather than running a new search. This eliminates the possibility of trying to search for the word 'Gen'.


2) We've had the dual search window since Accordance 1.0, I believe, and to the vast majority of our users, it is a wonderful principle to combine verses and words. However, we do recognize that often one forgets Words vs. Verses mode. We've put systems in place to best guess what you are trying to do, so for example if you put Gen 1:1-2 in the Entry box under Words, it would recognize it as a verse search and let you do that instead. The problem is that 'Gen' is simply too ambiguous to know if you intended to display Genesis, or simply mistyped 'Hen' or something like that.

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often one forgets Words vs. Verses mode.


Nice to know I'm not the Lone Ranger!


Thanks for responding. Merry Christmas.

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