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BUG 10.3.2 - Accordance Hangs Upon Close if Not Interacted With for Some Number of Hours

Matt Fredenburg

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I'm reporting this because I've seen this at least three times now. To duplicate (for me):


  1. Start Accordance
  2. Open a workspace
  3. Do stuff in Accordance
  4. Leave the computer on and Accordance running (but not interacted with) for at least 20 hours or so
  5. Exit Accordance via File->Quit
  6. The workspace closes (i.e. Accordance still shows a UI, but a blank 'workspace')
  7. Accordance hangs with 0 CPU and I/O
  8. Windows reports that Accordance has stopped responding and Accordance must be forcibly closed

Upon opening Accordance again, Accordance does *not* report that it had been forcibly closed, and simply opens the workspace in the state that it was prior to step 5 above.



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