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In running a search for all the words that appear 50+ times in the Hebrew Bible, is there a way to determine how many of those words occur in Genesis? Thanks!

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You can delimit a portion of your search with the Range [RANGE ?] command. You will need to join it with <AND>, thus looking something like: [count N] <AND> [RANGE Gen]. This will give you the results of only Genesis. (let N stand for whatever range of frequency for which you are looking).

Another option is to delimit the search as such:

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I was able to run this search, but it still doesn't give me the results I'm looking for. Of all the words occurring 50 or more times in the WHOLE Bible, how many of those words occur in Genesis? I'm not looking for how many words occur 50 or more times in Genesis. If I'm missing something, let me know. Thank you for your help!

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I was able to run this search, but it still doesn't give me the results I'm looking for. Of all the words occurring 50 or more times in the WHOLE Bible, how many of those words occur in Genesis? I'm not looking for how many words occur 50 or more times in Genesis. If I'm missing something, let me know. Thank you for your help!


Sorry. I misunderstood your question. Yes, you can also find out of how many words occur 50 or more times in the Hebrew Bible, which also occur in Genesis.

To do this, you can use the HITS command. Search for the a frequency of 50 or more in Workspace 1. In another workspace, you can use the HITS command of using the results of Workspace 1, applying the <AND> <RANGE> to get your desired results.

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This question helps exemplify the difference between the Range popup menu and the [RANGE ?] command. Consider the following two examples:


Search 1 (Range Popup):



Search 2 (RANGE command):

Screen shot 2011-08-09 at 11.04.53 AM.png


The search popup restricts the entire search to just the selected Range. So, in Search 1, it is only considering the words that appear 50 or more times in the book of Genesis.


The RANGE command considers the entire text (or, rather the popup range) for the search, but filters the results to the desired RANGE. So, in Search 2 it takes all of the words occurring 50 or more times throughout the entire text, but only the Genesis results.


If you look at shamayim in Gen 1:1, you'll notice it is not a hit in Search 1, but it is in Search 2. This is because it only occurs 41 times in Genesis, but 421 times throughout the text. So, Search 1 that only searches Genesis does not consider it a valid it, as it is less than 50 times. Search 2 is considering the entire text, so it highlights it as a hit.


I hope this helps clarify the differences.


For your statistical information, if you need more than the hit count (25324) you can open the Analysis from the Details button (looks like a blue graph). This will break down the hits by word, showing there are 581 different forms being used or other statistical information. I don't believe you need the HITS command here, unless you want to compare the two types of results.

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