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8.0 installer hogs CPU


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The 8.0 installer, even when sitting on the Introduction splash screen, flattens the CPU, absorbing every last CPU cycle.


I had a few problems installing. Firstly the accordance icon was the lamp but with a cross "no-way" symbol over it. Removing the app and reinstalling seemed to fix that. Running it did not fix it. Also the main window was invisible the first time! The resource pallete was ok though. If I moved the mouse over the invisible window the cursor would change from an arrow to the cursor symbol, but that was the only clue that in some sense the main window was there but otherwise I could see nothing! I'm not on NVidia BTW, but ATI. This seemed to only resolve itself when I rebooted, and I haven't seen it since.

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One other thing, the first time I run 8.0 it comes up with a dialog box:


"Where is the Highlights file "$%$%^#$"?"


Where "@#$@#$^$%" is some garbage characters.


I don't what the dialog expects. I hit cancel and it seemed to be satisfied.


Also I tried that on a 2nd machine, and the same wierd dialog came up.

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I too am seeing excess CPU usage at the very start of the V8.0 install.

First attempt to install upgrade caused kernel panic error, forcing reboot

Second attempt to intall the V8 upgrade caused high CPU usage and faile

I then upgrade OS X from 10,5.2 to 10.5.3 released May 26 2008 420MB download


Third attempt succeeded with no excess CPU usage, worked fine


MacBook with 2GB Ram 2GHz first gen T2500 CPU

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Countach, are you still experiencing the problem of the CPU drain? It sounds more like an issue with the VISE X installers, rather than the accordance installers specifically. If so, what is your OS and computer type? Also, are you running any abnormal system additions (like APE or something else that 'burrows' in the system)?

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