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Continental Commentary series by Augsburg Fortress

Jonathan C. Borland

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Dear Accordance,


I would very much like to see the critical Continental Commentary series for Accordance, especially:

  • 3 vol. set on Genesis by Claus Westermann
  • Leviticus by Jacob Milgrom
  • Ruth by Andrea LaCocque
  • 1 and 2 Kings by Volkmar Fritz
  • 3 vol. set on Psalms by Hans-Joachim Kraus
  • 3 vol. set on Isaiah by Hans Wildberger
  • and others

Does anyone know if Accordance is pursuing this? We have Hermeneia by the same publisher, so there is at least there is already a working relationship here!




Jonathan C. Borland

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I would love to see the Song of Songs from continental series too.

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Some places bundle it with hermeneia, so maybe Accordance might offer it as an upgrade for those with it.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Count me in for Leviticus by Milgrom in this series.

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We are pursuing a number of titles from Fortress including new Hermeneia vols., and I believe the Continental series as well.

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Thanks, Rick!


Very happy to hear this!

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  • 7 months later...

I would like to add my voice for the Continental Theology set on Psalms by Hans-Joachim Kraus.

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  • 1 year later...

I know this hasn't been touched for awhile, but I would also like to give voice to my desire to see this set included in an Accordance module.

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Me, too.

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I do not mean to sound overly cynical, but I would not hold out too much hope. In the years that I have used Accordance I have requested numerous resources without having had any of those requests as yet answered. It would be nice to see this series if possible, as well as the ICC.



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I do not mean to sound overly cynical, but I would not hold out too much hope. In the years that I have used Accordance I have requested numerous resources without having had any of those requests as yet answered. It would be nice to see this series if possible, as well as the ICC.




I wouldn't take it personally. Many times there are factors simply out of our control (ICC), or other factors that make it difficult to undertake certain titles. If you point me to a thread (or several) I can possibly give you more definite answers.


As far as Continental, I don't recall the exact situation; we can look into it again.

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As I said in another thread from what I have heard in response in Logos forums and even the Olivetree forums. For whatever reason talks with publishers and software companies seem to move at a glacial speed. I know Accordance would love to have many things but it is a lot more than simply formatting the text and starting to sell it. In Accordances defence they have released a lot of items in the last year including two huge sets, Anchor and NIC... I hope the NIB gets released next. But the Anchor set is still being processed and I would expect nothing too much till after Anchor is fully released.



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I am sure that Accordance is doing the very best it can to procure the best possible resources for its users.



Edited by luoar
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  • 5 years later...

Y’all might want to post under module request, not feature request. Feature and module are two different things.

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I moved it, but if memory serves, there used to simply be one forum that was later split into two, which is why some older module requests are in the wrong folder.

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