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Feature Request - abbreviations


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According to the Accordance Documentation, any abbreviation of a bible book should work as long they are "standard". Of course there isn't really a standard, but there are some incredibly common abbreviations that Accordance doesn't support. Incredibly, Mt, Mk, Lk, Jn, Php, Phm are examples which Accordance doesn't support.


I found this web site about what people are actually typing into a web site to search. Phm is actually the top rated abbreviation, but Accordance doesn't support it:




I did a look through the Orthodox Study Bible, to see which of its standard abbreviations are not supported, and came up with this list:


Nm - Numbers (Accordance takes you to Nahum instead.)


1Kg,2Kg,3Kg,4Kg - (1-4 Kings, understandable since this is the LXX numbering but how about as a concession you make the "1-4Kg" abbreviation go to the LXX books of 1,2Sam and 1,2Kings? According to the above statistics nobody would notice, but people studying the LXX would appreciate it.)

1Ez, 2Ez - 1 and 2 Ezra (LXX numbering again, but nobody else is using 1,2Ez, so can't we have it?)


SS - Song of Solomon - This is pretty commonly found abbreviation.


WSol - Wisdom of Solomon

WSir - Wisdom of Sirach

EJer - Epistle of Jeremiah

Mt - Matthew

Mk - Mark

Lk - Luke

Jn - John (Not Jonah!)

Php - Philippians

Phm - Philemon

1Pt - 1 Peter

2Pt - 2 Peter

1Jn,2Jn,3Jn - 1-3 John - This is pretty common also


Another one I've seen pretty often is Jas for James.


The other option is that you give us user configurable abbreviations like Bibleworks has.

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Most of the examples you cite do work for me, every one I tried did. Really any combination of letters that is unique to one book does work. We give a list of the standard abbreviations that Accordance displays, but it accepts far more variations. Just try them.

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  • 10 months later...

I know this is an old thread, but I find it particularly frustrating that Php and Phm do not work for Philippians and Philemon respectively. Those are fairly standard abbreviations. Perhaps, a new feature request would be the ability to customize book abbreviations.

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