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Amplify down the list of tools

John Fidel

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I have the NIDNTT as my preferred Greek Lexicon. It does not always have the word I may be amplifying. In those instances I would like the program to drop down the list of lexicons in order and open the first one that does have an entry for the Greek word.



John Fidel

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In the absence of the specific feature you're requesting, I do want to let you know just how quickly you can scan each Greek tool.


Once you've amplified to the default Greek Tool, just hit:


⌃↓ (Control + Down Arrow)

⏎ (Return)


and you see the search results for the next tool. This is because Control + Up/Down Arrow changes the search module up/down one in the list.

You can hit ⌃↓ ⏎ again and again and VERY quickly scan through many results.


I use this method even when I know the default tool is not the one I want because it's quicker than mousing over and selecting from a pop up menu.

Just amplify and hit ⌃↓ ⌃↓ ⏎ and bam I have what I want.

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I'm afraid it's not quite so simple. This is a great tip for quickly switching the tools in a category, and scanning the results, but....


The default tool does not open if the word is not found, though if it was already open it stays open with an alert message.


Once you have an open window, in each tool in which the word is not found you must dismiss the Select Words dialog.


You may find it easier just to amplify to the "All..." item at the bottom and see which ones do open. More tabs to check but no dialogs or alerts to dismiss.


As for the original idea, I am not sure that those who select the top lexicon (whether by triple-click, contextual menu, or selection from the Resource palette) really want a different lexicon to open instead, that might get confusing.

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