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Why is there no context tool in two workspaces?

Jan Klein

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When I have two workspaces open and I want to see more context on something I looked up, I push the scrollbutton with the two arrows on it. On that moment there is a workspace shift, and the text, with context shows up in the other workspace. It always popups in the same workspace. Can somebody please tell me: Is there a way to work this around? Is it a bug or can it be changed in an update? (working with Acc 9.05)


Sincerely Jan Klein, The Netherlands

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Jan, there are a couple of workarounds. One is to drag that new text tab into the zone with the search tab where you want it to appear. Drag the zone bar of the context until you see Add Tab appear next to your search tab. Now leave that tab there, and every time you choose Context it will be reused, rather than a new one opening. You can of course save a favorite arrangement as your startup session.


The other option is to set the number of default zones in Preferences: General to 1, so that Accordance never opens another zone (though you still can). David blogged on this yesterday in the third of his series on the new zones.

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Thanks a lot for the answer.

So there is no possibility to have a context-pane in both workspaces, if I understand you wright? I tried the possibilities you said but there is still one context-pane, or in the one, or in the other workspace.


Sincerely Jan Klein

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You can have as many as you want. Perhaps we should screenshare so that I can help you set it up eactly as you want.

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Thank you very much for your information. Your answers made me combine one with another. I found the solution in de preference-pane. I turned on the Amplify 'things', and all works exactly the way I want it. Every workspace has a context-pane now. Sorry for bothering you, but you helped me really a lot! Thanks again.


Jan Klein

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