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Excluding Aramaic

Mike Thigpen

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Working with the count command in BHS, is it possible to construct the search such that Aramaic terms are excluded? (Without specifying a text set that excludes verses in Aramaic).




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Let me ask this a different way since there haven't been any suggestions so far.


I know that all the Aramaic roots are marked with a -0, is it possible to search by root and then use the -0 to either find or exclude Aramaic? I've tried a number of combinations but without success.


(I'm working on a vocabulary project that will be much cleaner and easier to handle if I can segment my searches and deal with Hebrew and Aramaic separately instead of having them combined in the search results and then sorting them manually.)



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Sorry we didn't reply before. Simply search for ‏*-*־0 to find all lemmas except Aramaic lemmas. However, since the roots do not have the suffix, adding the + to search for roots finds all the roots, since it excludes nothing.

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Thanks so much! That was exactly what I needed.



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