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User Tool Won't Save

Lorinda H. M. Hoover

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Twice now I have run into an issue where I am unable to Save/Update a User Tool. Hitting "Update" or Command-S will appear to work, but the black dot in the red button in the upper left of the window will not disappear. Attempting to close the window will invoke the a warning dialog that the updates have not been saved. If I click "Update" in this dialog, the update meter will run, and the window will close, but nothing will be saved.


Opening a new edit window and attempting to edit will result in the same issue. Only by quitting and restarting Accordance will saving edits in a User Tool work.


Both times this has occurred, Accordance has been open for several hours. This last time, the edit window for the User Tool in question had been open for several hours. This may have been true the first time as well, but I'm not remembering clearly.



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  • 4 months later...

Had this happen to me again today, with a brand new User Tool.


It's likely (though not certain) that Accordance has been open for 24 hrs or more. But the User Tool itself was created less than an hour ago. Furthermore, it would appear that the problem began as soon as the User Tool was created. None of my text was saved, even though I had been updating frequently (though not checking the status of the red dot).


Quitting Accordance and restarting cleared it. I had been careful to copy the contents of the edit window, so all I lost were heading notations and Scripture links.



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Just a note to say this is still happening for me in Accordance 8.3.3.


This time Accordance had been open at least overnight, maybe longer. Not sure if the Edit User Tool window had been open that long. I did think to check the console logs, and I did not find anything that appeared to be relevant.



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Good news indeed! I'm aware that this one is tricky to reproduce, which of course makes it hard to fix. I was hopeful that the bug fixes in 8.3.3 might catch it, and what to make sure you knew they had not. I've figured out how to avoid losing much data when it happens, so I can certainly be patient.


Oh, and I forgot to specify that I am using Mac OS 10.4.11 on a PPC machine.



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I too just created a user tool and it updates from the command U screen but, there is no change in color of the underlined text in the tool and when I click on the hyperlink txt it says that the "verystrangetxthere" is not currently available to Accordance./Users/Mark/Desktop/AccordanceScreenSnapz001.jpg

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  • 1 month later...

Good News!!! Mike Garrity has been working with me behind the scenes to try and reproduce this. We've not had much luck, despite our efforts, until today. When the problem cropped up again today, I was finally able to identify the trigger.


If I try to format the same url as a link more than once in a User Tool, then I can't update. Removing the link formatting from the second link corrects the issue, without having to quit Accordance.


I've alerted Mike, but I wanted to post something here in the meantime in case anyone else runs into it.


Many thanks to Mike and the rest of the Accordance team for continuing to check into this!



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  • 1 month later...

I think the root of Lorinda's update problem was a URL with commas in it AND Accordance not reporting the error (the error would not let her update).


Accordance 8.4.3 now supports these kind of links.



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