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Tile Windows

Anthony Pyles

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I often use a second monitor or a projector, both in study and in teaching. Does Accordance have a way to tile the windows I have open on monitor A without moving or rearranging the windows on monitor B? Or would it be best to have two Workspaces with zones and just maximize them on their respective monitors?




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I often use a second monitor or a projector, both in study and in teaching. Does Accordance have a way to tile the windows I have open on monitor A without moving or rearranging the windows on monitor B? Or would it be best to have two Workspaces with zones and just maximize them on their respective monitors?




I use a second monitor in studying, and use the method described in the following thread as a workaround. http://www.accordancebible.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3990&st=0&p=16415&hl=+tile%20+on%20+second%20+monitor&fromsearch=1entry16415


Tom Wagler

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I use a second monitor in studying, and use the method described in the following thread as a workaround. http://www.accordancebible.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3990&st=0&p=16415&hl=+tile%20+on%20+second%20+monitor&fromsearch=1entry16415


Tom Wagler


I didn't know I could move the menu bar--that's helpful! But my question is different: sometimes I am working in Accordance alone and have Accordance windows on both monitors. (For example, I may have texts open on my laptop monitor, and user notes, lexicons, and a grammar up on my external monitor). When I try to tile windows one of two things happens: I get a message that too many windows are open, or everything tiles onto one of the monitors. What I would like to accomplish instead is to have the open windows tile on their respective monitors.


From what I have tried so far the zones feature will allow me to approximate this by having one workspace per monitor, with all my open modules in different zones. Then I can just size each workspace (and probably save the session!) Just wondered if there was another way to do it.

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