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Phrase hit counts inflated?

Tim Campbell

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Hit counts in search and search all dialogs would appear to be multiplied by the number of words in the phrase.


So, for example, if I search for "mortification of sin" in every paragraph of Edwards, I get "15 hits", where there are actually only 5 places where the phrase occurs.


Perhaps this is intended behaviour, and if so I apologise. Yet it seems buggy and counter-intuitive to me, so I'm reporting it :-)

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I'm afraid that this is a slight inconsitency in Accordance. When you search for a phrase in a text, you get the number of phrases but in tools you always get the number of hit words. I think this is due to fundamental differences in the way these are handled, and cannot easily be rectified. The fundamental differences allow for the additional powerful search commands in texts versus the very powerful field searches in tools.

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I'm afraid that this is a slight inconsitency in Accordance. When you search for a phrase in a text, you get the number of phrases but in tools you always get the number of hit words. I think this is due to fundamental differences in the way these are handled, and cannot easily be rectified. The fundamental differences allow for the additional powerful search commands in texts versus the very powerful field searches in tools.


Fair enough - I shall just have to remember to normalise my statistics manually :-)


Thanks Helen.

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