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Version 8

Paul Meiklejohn

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I just want to say how fantastic this new version is.

A big 'Thank You' to all the staff at Accordance for their outstanding service.


I also want to be the first member to ask 'When are we getting version 9?' Ha Ha!


Paul M.

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BIG thanks to the developers! Just installed and started using "8!" The first thing I noticed was the SNAP with which all the functions occurred. May Rosetta rest in peace!

I love the shading in the tagged texts and the GNT-T / BHS-W4! I can't wait to dig deeper. I'm not sure how much time this will save, but it feels good, like testing out a new car!

Once again, Accordance is proven to be over the top in excellence!

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I just wanted to add my "Amen!" to the chorus. I have a imac G5 (I converted to Mac right before the intel switch) and was reluctant to update to 8 because 7 ran so well on my powerpc mac. However, the new features were too much of a temptation not to try. I couldn't be more pleased with the snappy performance and the new features that allowed me to set up my workspace just like I like it. If there is a bug I haven't run across it yet. Congrats to the development team.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow! I just saw the 8.01 update on MacUpdate- I didn't even know that 8 was out! Congrats team. I'll be picking up my copy as soon as I get to a high speed internet connection.


Out of curiosity which native OS technologies do you use? Is Accordance 8 now an xCode project? Mostly Cocoa? Do you use native text renders?


Congratulations again! I can't wait to use this on my MacBook!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any love? The forum is active, what with the cold shoulder? I'm running the Demo now and it's quite good.


Cheers, Ed

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We don't mean to give you the cold shoulder, we just don't have a quick answer. Programming is a little like making sausages: enjoy the result but don't ask what went into it!


Accordance is Carbon which allows us to compile the same code for different platforms: Intel, PPC and 68K for the emulator. Other than that I cannot answer your questions about text renderers or xCode.

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Thanks Helen. I don't mean to make programming into politics as many often do, just curious because how it's programmed affects how it behaves.



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