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A Bug


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An asterisk is a 'zero or more' wildcard. To use a 'one or more' idea, do '?*'. So, based on your example (I have not tried it yet) you want:

"*?(ךםןףץ)?*=" ‎[RANGE 1QIsaa]


The last clause in the help is correct. The word must start with b and end with g, and it may or may not have any letters in the middle.

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Again, you are missing a question mark on the end. If you want any word containing 'a' neither in the middle nor end, you need (reading left to right) ?(-a)*a*?(-a). Asterisk simply means any number of any letter can occur here, including zero. If you want to specify the existence of a letter, or which characters the letter can or cannot be, you need a '?'.

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