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Compare Texts checkbox

John C.

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I can not get this check box to stay cleared. I uncheck it, save my workspace, and then when I relaunch Accordance, it is still checked. I have tried other ways to close the app with this box unchecked but it always defaults to checked when I relaunch Accordance.

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There is no preference for this, so I suspect it is just on this workspace. In order to effectively save changes you need to "dirty" the window, for example by typing a space, removing it and re-running the search. Then uncheck the box and save the workspace.

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This issue seems to be related to my other post re: deleting a workspace (which turned out be related to having a default startup session). Once I reset my startup session, the compare text option remained unchecked (because that was the state when I resaved my startup session.).


So, turns out not to be a bug, just a user bugging you on holiday weekend. :)


Have a great day.

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