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Eramus / Majority Text

Ekklesia Foundation

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Have the works earlier manuscripts of William Tyndale on my desk as I type.

His translation of the 1534 New Testament from the ancient Greek was the

first into English.


As I procured this last year from the university in Dublin, immediate noted in some key doctrinal and prophecy that it was very clear was from a Byzantine text. [ which are many ] as given the tone of that day, there was not any way Tyndale would use a manuscript under influence of rome. In the same decade Tyndale was martyred.

one of the pioneers of the Protestant movement, and his words and work

had no small influence on the patriarchs of the Independence Declaration and genius

American Constitution. [ Am not anti American, personal preference we return to our roots]


reading the German footnotes it seems the manuscript was the Eramus text.

( spelling may be in correct)


Does any one here know if the Majority Text available here from accordance are similar to the Eramus text?


Please do not misunderstand I have various editions of the Nestle

since the 1960's. But as both a scientist and theologian, and in part a native tribal american, do not accept something as absolute rock truth until proven beyond all doubt.

please accept my apology to any offended, my abrasive nature has actually carried me well in ministry multi cultural travels these many years


Though mostly retired do find myself at work among Greek Orthodox [ as well as Catholic, Protestant and Messianic Jews ]

This text pursuit has become rather important to me. I found

modern Greek text available in software when in greece recently

but not ancient greek. Though the fellowship with a few Greek

priests was precious.


intend to make nil reply to this thread


best wishes to all whom honor His name and His Word [atta



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