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Highlight All Results in Verse Search

Darin Franklin

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For word searches, I can shift-click on the highlight palette to highlight all matching words. I would like this feature to work for verse search results also. Currently, when I shift-click for a verse search, it asks me if I want to highlight every hit in the front window. I say OK, but nothing happens. The fact that this prompt appears for verse search results is probably a bug, but I would like the feature to be added.


I can accomplish what I want by setting the context slider to 0, then ⌘A to select all and click the highlight. Shift-click should do the same thing.


Use case: I want to compare how certain words are used in three different epistles. First, I create a new highlight file with three colors. Then I highlight all verses in each epistle using Verse search. Now, when I do word searches, the results for each epistle are highlighted with a different color.



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