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I had to do an "archive and install" on my MacBook due to some corruption in my system software. The instructions from Apple suggest that 3rd party software be reinstalled, as it may not work correctly after the A&I.


Lo and behold, when I fired up Accordance, the foreign-language fonts no longer appeared, and I got the error message that they needed to be installed.


So, what's the easiest way to install the fonts?


Or, more completely, as they may not be the only things to have gone haywire, is there a way to reinstall Accordance in such a way that I keep my preferences, highlighting palette, and other stuff intact?


By the way, I've got the 6.9.1 CD-ROM, but the 7.0.1 upgrade (I haven't gone any further "up" than that).





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You need to download and run the 7.1 installer to add the fonts to the system.


If you can find the Accordance files folder from your user/Documents, and the Accordance Preferences folder from your user/Library/Preferences, and restore them to these places in your user Home, you will have all your old settings and preferences, and user filers. Otherwise Accordance should recreate the Preferences from the ones in the Accordance folder, which will show all your modules but not the other settings.


This is a timely reminder to everyone to BACKUP the entire Accordance folder if possible, and definitely the files and preferences mentioned above.

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Worked just fine! I moved the files you suggested to the desktop, and then, after installation, restored them to their previous locations before starting up Accordance.


Everything was where/what I expected.



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