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I have a big question on some of the features of Accordance, for instance the graphs of searches. It shows me how to compare land hits to water hits.


"Suppose, for example, that you want to compare the use of "land" and any word beginning with "water" in the book of Genesis."


Why would I want to know this information?


There were one or two other places where it was not clear to me why a particular feature would be used.


Having the why answered may open new vistas!!!!

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The examples in the tutorial are just that, examples. We have rather strict guidelines for these examples so that they can be tried by any user. Since they may just have the demo version of the texts, we limit them to Genesis. We also avoid controversial topics, and the use of the name of God (which is offensive to orthodox Jews). The result is that many examples are not in fact meaningful -- we leave it to the user to apply them in other situations if he finds them useful.


The uses of this feature are manifold. You can compare the use of the name LORD with that of God in the Pentateuch. You can see where the different words for love are used, like agapaw and philew, in the New Testament. It all depends what you are studying.


I hope this explanation helps you apply the tutorial.

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Well, I already responded to one of your answers with a D'oh, so I'll mix it up and say Aahh!


I have been a technican all of my adult life, so I'm rather literal, or black and white you might say. Which also means I have to work real hard when I try to be creative. It does not come natural.

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