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Apostolic Study Bible according to Douglas Wilson

Michael Dearinger

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Douglas Wilson suggested this study method in his book "Heaven Misplaced".


When I was first working through this, I bought a Bible I could mark up well. I then spent a few weeks looking up every passage in the Old Testament that is quoted in the New. Many Bibles will mark such cross-references in the New Testament, but it is rarely done in the Old. I highlighted every quotation from the Old Testament in the New Testament, and then I looked it up in the Old Testament and highlighted it there. Then I wrote in the Old Testament margin where in the New Testament this passage was quoted. When I was done, I had sloppily executed The Apostolic Study Bible. When I was reading in the Old Testament, I could immediately tell if Jesus, Peter, or Paul had ever discussed the passage I was currently wondering about.


I was wondering if there was a quicker way to do this in Accordance. Does anyone have an idea of a method?

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I would cut and paste a list such as this one: http://www.preceptaustin.org/old_testament_passages_in_the_nt.htm and then highlight it in a specific color. You could then attach a verse note with the referenced New Testament passage in each one.


I'm not sure if there is a faster way. Perhaps Accordance already has a module for this?

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Would the OT in NT parallel in Acc help ? It sounds like basically the same sort of thing to me. Its in the Starter Collection so it should be available if you're on 10.




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Thank you, Ryan and Daniel, for your suggestions.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Amen on Beale-Carson! A real gem.

Edited by Ken Simpson
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