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Define Highlight Styles Is Buggy

Darin Franklin

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Open the highlight palette. Note the name of the first highlight style. Now create a new highlight file. It shows the name of the first highlight style from the previous file. Now click Cancel, since OK is not enabled. The new highlight palette shows "Important" with yellow (which used to be the default in previous versions), not what it was showing in the highlight editor.


Now do "Define Highlight Styles". Click New.

It says, "The name 'Important' cannot be used, since it is already taken." I cannot create a new style without getting this error first.


Do "Define Highlight Styles" and delete all of the styles. Click OK.

Do "Define Highlight Styles" again with this file that has zero styles.

It says, "A style name must be entered", and then gives a default style, "[New style name]", with black highlight on black text.


Go back to the highlight palette and select the file with zero styles.

Click "New Highlight File…".

This causes the previous errors, plus it says, 'Do you want to save the changes in the highlight file "%@"?'. Accordance crashes with Access Violation after you cancel out of the errors.


Earlier today, I was unable to open highlight palette at all, but I cannot reproduce this now. The palette would flash and disappear.


Accordance 11.0.3.

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