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BUG 10.3.1 - Strange UI Upon Opening ESVS

Matt Fredenburg

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As I haven't figured out workspaces/sessions/etc. yet, I usually, upon shutting down Accordance, close all windows, so that when I open it again I have a blank 'workspace' to start off with. Whenever I open Accordance and then open a Text (e.g. ESVS) it starts out in a strange state:



To fix this, I first restore, then maximize and all is back to normal again.



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  • 4 weeks later...

This bug still exists in 10.3.2 and is exactly the same.



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Matt, I don't entirely follow what you are doing here. If I close all windows, quit the app, and reopen, it opens with no windows open.


What is your Preferences -> General -> Startup choice? Could you post a picture of what your app looks like before you close? Also, how are you closing all windows, and how are you closing the app?

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Matt, I don't entirely follow what you are doing here. If I close all windows, quit the app, and reopen, it opens with no windows open.


What is your Preferences -> General -> Startup choice? Could you post a picture of what your app looks like before you close? Also, how are you closing all windows, and how are you closing the app?

Hi Joel, I close all windows via File->Close, click File->New Workspace, and close all windows via File->Close again so that when I open it again I have a blank 'workspace' to start off with. Whenever I open Accordance and then open a Text (e.g. ESVS) it starts out in a strange state. Hopefully that clarifies the steps I take! As regards my preferences, they are set to 'Last Session' to duplicate this bug. When I close the app, I usually use File->Quit.





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Thanks for the reply, Matt.


A few things. First, if you always want it to open blank, why not set the blank workspace as your Default Session, and set your startup to that? This avoids your closing process. Also, I'm not sure what you accomplish by doing Close -> New -> Close. All this does is make the workspace larger, but is otherwise identical to just a single Close. Finally, doing those steps, my new window still opens fine. (Close, New Workspace, Close, Quit. Open, then open Accordance, Control-N)

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Thanks for the reply, Matt.


A few things. First, if you always want it to open blank, why not set the blank workspace as your Default Session, and set your startup to that? This avoids your closing process. Also, I'm not sure what you accomplish by doing Close -> New -> Close. All this does is make the workspace larger, but is otherwise identical to just a single Close. Finally, doing those steps, my new window still opens fine. (Close, New Workspace, Close, Quit. Open, then open Accordance, Control-N)

Hi Joel, remember, I don't have a problem with the new window, I have a problem when I open a new text within that blank window (i.e. ESVS). As Windows is very much more in the wild than Mac in terms of hardware, you might have to come up with some custom diagnostics in order to troubleshoot these kind of issues. Having developed applications for windows for 20 years, I can't tell you the number of times where I've been unable to duplicate a bug reported at a customer site in-house and that only after the correct, exhaustive troubleshooting sessions had taken place was I able to discover the problem (usually due to my not having fully understood an API or its nuances).




If you want, I can do a GoToMeeting session with you and you can witness this problem first hand.

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Do you have TeamViewer or Skype you could show me the problem so I can witness the crash?

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Do you have TeamViewer or Skype you could show me the problem so I can witness the crash?

Hi Orly, no I don't have either of those, but I do have a GoToMeeting account to which I can invite you...



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