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Chapter and Book Headings


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Can we have chapter and book headings in our tests? Or maybe you could make it customizable so we can type in our onn headings.


The way it currently looks is a little awkward and hard to see the change between sections.


Thanks all!


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I am not sure what you mean "in our tests." If you mean Texts, and you mean the headings inserted by translators and publishers, this has been discussed before. We may have a future solution, but in general we have not wanted to include extra material in the body of the Bible text.


Some of the Notes accompanying translations include the headings, and it you want to customize them, you can create User Notes to do just that. Both kinds can be opened in parallel with the Bible.

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  • 2 years later...

This is the one thing why I switch over to use Logos or go and open a physical book when researching passages to teach. In Accordance, it is hard to find the natural sections of the bible and that is why publishers put those section titles in - to help readers. Is this information already in the files that the publishers supply you? I think if a new option (show bible headings) was turned off by default this won't affect existing users, but for those of us (and I am sure it is not just me) who find the sections headings in a bible useful, then these people can turn on that option in the preferences area. 

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dont forget outlines (mentioned in previous threads).


As each publisher puts different headings in their text and in different places, and some like the nrsv dont, while outlines may not be the same as the publishers, i like the way that outlines is consistent, detailed and independent of translation.

Edited by ukfraser
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