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Problems with MT/LXX Interlinear

Lorinda H. M. Hoover

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I was working on Psalm 6 for Greek in a year today, and making extensive use of the MT/LXX interlinear as I did so. I found LOTS of errors. I've reported some, but it would take me an hour or more to report all of them.


There seems to be a pattern in many of the errors, which are gravest when the LXX is the base text: if a Hebrew word is translated by two Greek words, (e.g. מְנַצֵּחַ is translated as τὸ τέλος), then hovering over the Hebrew word (in the interlinear) highlights the first Greek word, but not the second; typically the first word is an article or a preposition in this case, which makes no sense. Sometimes this results in subsequent words being moved one word over. For example:




The Hebrew to Greek tends to fare better, but even it has problems:




As I said, I'll try to report when I can, but doing so is intensely time consuming, and this appears to be a widespread problem.


Does the MT/LXX parallel handle this any better?

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MT-LXX matching is an extremely difficult process, because the languages are not very similar at all. The MT-LXX Parallel is a fantastic tool, because it documents exhaustively the distinctions between the matching of the words. Many times, it is a multi-word phrase matched to a multi-word phrase, as there is no clear 1:1 correlation. The MT-LXX interlinear is an algorithmic databased based on the MT-LXX Parallel data, and in cases like these, it does its best to match phrases where there are more words in one language than the other. However, being an algorithm, it will never be as accurate as human hands, but simply to give an idea for the phrase correspondence.


There are a couple of tweaks I can see to the database based on your reports, so hopefully this will be somewhat improved in the next release. I'll attach a screenshot of the MT-LXX Parallel for Ps 6:6 to give you an idea of their matching.

Screen Shot 2015-01-08 at 10.09.21 AM.png

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Thanks, Joel. I had a feeling it was a systemic/algorithm problem. Is it still helpful for me to report specific errors when I can? The parallel screen shot is much improved from th interlinear. It may have to go up in priority on my wish list! Even with the problems, I appreciate the I interlinear.

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Reporting examples of systemic errors is a good idea, like you have done here. However, I doubt it will ever achieve 100% accuracy!

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There will be another release of the MT/LXX?

If so, do those that own it have to re-buy the updated/better version?

Edited by RafeAndersen
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The MT-LXX Parallel isn't due for a new release, I don't believe. Improvements to the MT-LXX Interlinear will be programmatic and free for those on Accordance 11.

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