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Triple-Click in German-LEM Bibles


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Since the Version 11 Accordance has another habit by the Triple-click Bibles with LEM.


Like before I have to push "Shift" to go... but now it goes to an another resource than all other Bibles.


I found out, that tagged bibles with shift-Triple-Click goes to the pre-selected resource in the preferences. Untagged do it without shift.


But in Bibles with LEM it goes to the next resource under the pre-selected.





Edited by Fabian
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LEM = lemmas. For the half-dozen German Bibles that are tagged.


[EDIT:] that is, tagged to German words - not to original languages

Edited by Douglas Fyfe
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Sorry, Fabian, I've been playing around with my PC and don't really understand how to make sure my German Bibles go to my Wörterbücher - they just end up at the top dictionary - whether that's an IVP dictionary or Eastons or a Wörterbuch.


There is no preference to choose where my German Bibles amplify to - only for English, Greek, Hebrew and Latin.


I'll have a play on my Mac later on and see if I can work it out.

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Hallo Douglas


The other german Bibles without LEM goes to the same like the english. Only the LEM goes to the next.

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It is possible that Accordance has this done with the purpose, that Accordance don't search for non english Bibles in the same resource for english Bibles. But then see the other post http://www.accordancebible.com/forums/topic/15036-bug-andor-tip-with-library-list-11/so it's not work properly because my german contents was above and so Accordance didn't show me this results.


So I have to set first the pre-selected than the german ones and than the rest. But then it works only with the LEM Bibles.

Edited by Fabian
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okay - just tried it again.


comparing Elberfelder-LEM and regular Elberfelder on 1. Mose 1,1 - triple-clicked on Anfang.

  • With LEM it goes to my top German Wörterbuch (Lutherbibel) (lower)
  • With regular it goes to the Dictionary of major biblical interpreters. (higher)


Then triple-clicking on Himmel

  • With LEM it goes to New Int. Dict. of the Christian Church (lower)
  • With regular it goes to Dictionary of the Later NT (higher)


What this means (I think!) is that for LEM texts it is automatically going to the second option, for the non-LEM it is going to the first option.


But after figuring all that out, I have no idea why - if there is a purpose or not.


Tut mir leid :(

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Ja schade, ich wollte letzthin jemandem zeigen wie cool Accordance ist. Aber es absolut nichts richtig funktioniert mit der Tripel-Click Funktion.


Vielleicht hat es auch mit der Versnummerierung zu tun. Denn die LEM's sind ja (ziemlich) korrekt nummeriert aber die neuen nicht. Das spricht dafür, dass die Metadaten ganz anders sind.





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that is, tagged to German words - not to original languages

I assume that means the declined/conjugated forms are tagged with the lemmas. Oh, for the day when we can do that in Accordance with user Bibles! Extensibility of functions for user Bibles in other languages would be such a wonderful enhancement.

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Immer so :( Bei mir auch. Vor allem wenn ich Accordance seminars unterrichte.



Ehrlich gesagt, obwohl ich alle meine Wörterbücher ganz oben habe, ich check gar nicht wie ich die amplifikieren (?) kann. Es öffnet immer ganz verschiedene Tools, nur nicht die Wörterbücher.

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I think some people have other ideas of fun from me ;)

Oh, for the day when we can do that in Accordance with user Bibles!

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Yes a function like the http://bs2009.netwere cool. It like the "Worttabelle" or "Create Word Charts" function. But you can here (See Translation Grip Pane in the foto http://bs2009.net/products/biblestudy2009/screenshots/index.htmlmake) your own Bible with tagging.


And Accordance does include so many Bibles with tagging that it gives.

Edited by Fabian
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