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Show frequency of lemma in instant details


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I have this feature in another app on my iPad, and I would love to see it in Accordance. In the pane that shows parsing info, gloss, etc, I would like to know the total number of occurrences of the lemma in the Hebrew Bible/Greek NT. This is helpful during language learning to decide how important it is to learn the vocabulary word. Accordance obviously already has the info, which I can get to be searching for the lemma and seeing the number of hits returned, but I would like to have it easily available with one click/mouseover. If there's already a way to do this, please let me know!

Edited by Susan Mackie
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This information is available in Mounce Greek and M/K Hebrew key dictionaries. Press the command key to see definitions in any tagged English translation (assuming you have overridden the key number prefs in Preferences>Amplify); the same display will have the number of times the lemma appears. These same key dictionaries can be set as Triple-click Default dictionaries for Greek and Hebrew texts in the same pane.

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Thanks, Timothy, I didn't know that. The trouble is that I don't really want to change my default lexicons from HALOT/BDAG (both of which occasionally provide the frequency info, but not consistently). That's why I thought it would be nice to have it in the instant details pane.

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It's been discussed in the past and initially there was concern that it might cause a lag in instant details to generate the frequency count every time you hover over a word. But recently I believe I heard this may not be a concern. All that to say it's been discussed, but I don't know where it currently stands.


And, for me, the only reason I use Mounce and KM as my defaults is for the counts (but note they are not included for every word in KM).

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A couple of thoughts/questions. I have mixed feelings on this one. I don't tend to use the counts except when creating vocab and that is a different process.

Speed concerned me when I first read this because I don't believe Acc actually stores this information and thus would either have to do so or would have to compute it each time. The latter would be expensive. But pre-computation has issues too in that it would be corpus specific. Now, if I'm reading say GNT or LXX the counts would be different, Philo, different again and so on. So I wondering if thought has been given to corpus specific totals or some such thing. The same thing would apply to Hebrew words. In the end I'm still sure how useful the number is as a consequence.




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