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Layout issues with Jo

Peter Brylov Christensen

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Hi there!


I rarely spend time using Hebrew grammars anymore, so I discovered this only just recently. Anyway, while most of the grammar stays true to the print edition as far as I can I tell, I noticed that several layout problems occur in most of the Paradigms section. There are too many for a single error report, so I figured I'd post here instead with some examples of where and how things go awry.


At first I suspected that this issue was due to a lack of space for the tab, but even though I detached the tab to make it open in its own window, the layout problems stayed the same. Then I tried making the font smaller - this actually "solves" many of the layout problems, but some still persist even with the smallest font size possible. That poses a problem in itself: If I have to make the font extremely small in order for the paradigms to show properly without letters partially disappearing (even though some still do) and/or appearing on the next "line", then their usability lessens quite a bit. In fact, I can barely read them with the smallest possible font. Here's an example:


Picture one: Paradigm 2 (for קטל) with - in my opinion - "normal" font size (after making the font as small as possible, I enhanced it six times):


Comments: A lot of problems - some letters are partially/almost entirely missing (marked in red), and some have been moved down a line because they take up too much space (marked in blue). The latter is to be expected when the font is enhanced, I suppose, but visually it does not look very good. While I can live with the headings being split in two lines, it's more problematic when the Hebrew verbs are split up. Although it's only a parenthesis in this specific example, verbs are often split up into two lines in all the paradigms even with just a slight enhancement of font size.


Paradigm 2 (for קטל) with smallest font size possible:


Comments: Far less problems here. All the words are lined up nicely like they should be, and only two occurrences remain in which letters are partially missing (marked in red). But the main issue here is that I can barely read it now.


With kind regards


Peter Christensen



Edited by Pchris
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