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German books


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I would recomend to establsh the same level of books in German as you have in english.
since i study theologie for nearly 20 Years i feel i could give you at least some tipps witch books are ok for the students.



Basic Level

and for studying the Bible here are a few books on the Basic level we could also use an interlinear Edition


Old Testament - interlinear 5 volumes

to be found here




New Testament Interlinear



An Introduction for the old testament

Erich Zenger - einführung in das alte Testament - 8 Auflage

to be found here



and for the new testament

Udo Schnelle Einleitung in das Neue Testament. 7 Auflage

to be found here




nicly there ist a link included were you can directly ask for a licence. down on the left.


as Comentarys we use very often the Neuer Stutgarter Kommentar - altes  Testament ( or neues Testament)


Stutgarter Kommentar Altes Testament 

to be found here




I dont know how many volumes they have right know about 25 i think


 a German collection of the Curchfathers is already in the internet.

you just need to downlod them and of corse a tagging to the relevant skripures would be fine.


there you find a free collection of the church fathers in German every text can be downloaded as an RTF


Advanced Level

for the Apokryphen - (not the seven one from the catolik bible but the most importend non biblical textcollection). There ist one editon from Klaus Berger that includes also the new testament in a very interesting translation. This you could say is a advanced level


Klaus Berger - Das neue Testament und die frühchristlichen Schriften

to be found here




As Comentary on the advanced level iwould recomend


Die neue Echter Bibel

to be found here




The echter Verlag also offers Introductions and theme collections everything very god for advanced students.



The most popular edition of the Church fathers is the so called


Fontes Christiani

to be found here



Its wonderful to work with beceause it has the greman and the original Text in Greek or Latin 


Academic Level


On the academic level there are a lot of useful things

first i take a dictionary for the new testament from Bauer  Aland


Bauer Aland - Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament

to be found here




As Comentary on the the academic Level i would recomend


Herders Theologischer Kommentar zum Alten Testament

to be found here




this comentary is a work in Progress its about half done and represents the Present time Exegetik work at its best.


I would also like to recomend the 

Bauer - Bibeltheologisches Wörterbuch

unfortunatly i cant find the right page were you can request the book so i can only give an Amazon liink to show the book itself an a link to the styria Verlag but the book itself sems to be vanisht




and the publishing company would be Styria




I hope it helps you to find the best books.






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I'd like to have the OT and NT introductions listed above in Accordance.

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  • 7 years later...

of course......



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Any German academic works on archaeology, Arabia or Islam is more than welcome here!!!

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