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German books for katholic theologie Law - Dogmatik - Philosophie


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Katholic theologie is not only about the bible as i have seen you have katholic bundles in the store. Well there are a lot of basic books needed for katholic tinking beside the bibel let me give you a few ideas


LTHK the Lexikon for theologie and the Church. The most basic an fundamental reserch Instrument for every student. to be found here




Das kleine konzilskompendium - The kompendium of the second vatikan konzil 1961-1964 the basic text for every student in katholic theologie the picture of the katholic church in our time.

to be foud here




and here



This text is so esential that the curch gives it away for free you can find it here at the vatikan homepage but only dokument by dokument but in exchance for the aditional work you can find it in 13 different laguages.



Reclam is a puplisher thats very popular beceause its ceap and god they have a section for Religion witch covers different fields also the Bible- church Fathers - Philosophie

to be found here




Curch Law


 CIC the codex juris canonici the law of the church to be found in German here 




and here for free



there is a first edition of the CIC from 1917 witch has no aktual relevance any more but for historical reserach it is sometimes refered to it this version of the CIC can also be found on the homepage above. but only in latin.


Handbuch des katholischen Kirchenrechts - the Lexicon for the meanig of the church law in the CIC in its 3 edition it is quite basic but mostly used only by advanced students. It is to be honest not very much used at all. Never the less it is the Basic book.

to be found here:



Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium (CCEO) for the oriental churches Meaning Orthodox and other there is a special codex. Unfortunatly it is no avaliable at the moment and on the Internet to be found on many different Languages exept german. for what reason i dont know.

to be found here





Neuner Ros - the most important texts of the katholic church in an short overview. this book has become very popular and has therefore made itself to one of the basic books for katholic theologie in German area. and is now the the basic equipment for every student of Domatik.

to be found here :




Denzinger Hüneman - the collection of the Texts of the church form every konzil from Jesus until today. including the II vaticanum. this book is usually mostly used by the teachers. Students are mostly satisfied with the Neuner Roos. But this book gives everyone who wants to know the original words of the church thought out the centurys. it has been a breakthrou in german theologie when this book came out. For the first time all the relevant Texts are available in German. i is not a complete collection there are still unpublisht texts out there. but since it covers 2000 years of history this is the most complete collection available. it is most esential for everyone who realy wants to study dogmatik.

to be found here



Schneider Dogmatik Handbuch. - but was dose the student do if he wants to have an overview not only over the text but also over the develpment in history an get to know at least the most important names? Well he takes a Handbuch for Dogmatik. There are a lot of this books available i took a version with two books they cover the hole dogmatik in a very god strucktured way And always starting with the bibel as the basic for the teaching. the basic knowledge for the test for every Student.

to be found here:





Kleine Philosophiegeschichte Störig - There are so many books about philosophie in German i could write a book about the books. This one here is well know for its clear speach and therefore most popular among students. And its enoght to pas the test in Phiosophie History.

to be found here



I dont go throu all Philosophie here thats impoosible but let me give two ideas one for the excusive Students and the teachers. there needs come together in the Felix Meiner Verlag. you can take simply everything they publish.

to be found here



And most Students dont have the money for such exclusive books they take the Reclam verlag. usually everything you find in Felix you also find in Reclam with a few exeptions. Its just ceeper and only Geman mostly also with a few exeptions. And again - you can take everyhing the have - but careful only in the section Philosophie.

to be found here



church history


Kleine Kirchengeschichte Franzen- The Franzen is enoght for everybody who just wants to pas the Tests on university

and in its very short way it still gives a god view on things happening. of corse only one view. But its alwas been updated and in the moment stops at Pope Benedikt.

to be found here



Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte Jedin - The Jedin church History has become the first book to look after if you have a historical quest. its a bit old now.  so dose not cover the complete 20 century but is still very good.




Kathechismus der Katholischen Kirche - After the konzil in the 60 two books were plant to follow. One was the CIC i already sayed that and the other  one is the Kathechismus there is the world kathechism and always a version for the Language region - careful they are not the same. i give you a link for the german version of both the world version and the german region version

to be found here.



thats not all  there is also Pädagogik - Liturgie - Ökumene. but i think for today i have enoght.




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