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No Granular Control in Easy Install

Lorinda H. M. Hoover

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Yesterday I was at my parents' and helped my Dad download some Accordance modules to his Macbook through easy install.  One of his purchases was the Accordance 11 starter collection.  In Easy Install. I could choose whether or not to install items from that collection on a book-by book basis.  (e.g. I could chose not to install the Portuguese Bible)


Today I ran Easy Install on the church's Windows machine to reinstall modules that went missing (again).  One of my purchases is the Essential 11 Collection.  Accordance noted there were items from that collection I had not downloaded and listed their codes (as near as I can tell, foreign language texts).  But I was not given the option to select items from the collection: I could only select or deselect the entire collection.


At first I thought this might be a difference in Collections.  But then I realized that the fact that the "uninstalled" items are texts for languages I don't speak, meaning that once upon a time I must have been able to pick and choose...and I do seem to remember doing so.


I just did some more checking and found the problem:  I have "Hide installed modules" checked. If I uncheck it, the disclosure triangle appears and I have granular control.  Not sure how Dad's Mac was set in that regard.

Easy Install is also causing Accordance to hang and/or crash on the Windows machine.


This is Accordance 11.1 and Windows Vista Home Premium 

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This is unique to Windows:  I was using Easy Install on my Macbook, and with Hide Installed Items checked, I still have granular control there.

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