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User Bible name with degree symbol in it


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Back in March of 2015 I compiled a user Bible (very sparse). I gave it a three-letter name and that worked just fine. I just now (Jan. 2016) tried compiling one again and no matter what name I assign to it, Accordance 11.1.2 appends a degree symbol at the end of the name I assigned, e.g., "ABC°". Is this intended behavior? Any way to prevent it? Maybe it's something I'm doing wrong? (I've only done this a couple of times.)



Edited by EricC
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We made this change for a few reasons:


1) This provides consistency with the imported tools, as they also have a degree symbol at the end.

2) This ensures that any imported items don't conflict with any officially released (current or future) Accordance modules that may end up having the same name.


I believe the degree symbol should be removed if you copy as citation, so it really is only seen while working within Accordance, so you know it is a user-generated text.

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Perhaps Joel or someone can chime in to say why this is intended behavior, then? Maybe it's so that they can be distinguished from Bibles that are not user-compiled? I guess the way around it would be to compile with an old version of Accordance and then use it in v. 11.1.2. But, for you, Fabian, that probably won't work, since if I recall correctly Accordance improved some things you had requested for User Bibles. 


Is the degree symbol's presence documented somewhere? Oh! I found this here: file:///Applications/Accordance.app/Contents/Resources/Accordance%20Help/Default.htm#topics/05_dd/import_your_bible.htm?Highlight=DEGREE%20symbol



  • If the imported Bible has a name identical to another installed resource, you can quickly distinguish between the two: An imported Bible always has a degree symbol (°) at the end of its name.

Man, Joel, that was quick! You answered before I even got my question posted (I think). Thank you. I understand. I can live with it, and I may even learn to like it! Thanks!

Edited by EricC
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  • 1 year later...

I believe the degree symbol should be removed if you copy as citation, so it really is only seen while working within Accordance, so you know it is a user-generated text.

No it doesn't.





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  • 5 weeks later...

I understand the reason for this measure, but it would be nice if it could be circumvented by "power users". Maybe an option in the prefs. Maybe just giving us the ability to delete the degree symbol through a couple of arcane steps that "standard users" would not bother with. When you get your library just the way you want it and there are what some would consider unnecessary or unsightly ° symbols all over, it's a little frustrating.

The reason for it is to prevent conflicts. If you have to knowingly go through a couple of steps to disable it, then you know you are allowing the possibility of conflicts. Some would prefer to take that risk.





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