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Would you double buy?


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I own these in print, the ESV Study Bible and Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology, and I'm thinking of getting them in Accordance. Have any of you ever "double bought"? Wish I knew about Accordance years ago...lol

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Yes, niv study bible, jewish study bible, jewish annotated nt, as well as nrsv standard text and would get holmans bible atlas and oxford commentary without a seconds hesitation.


My original reason for buying accordance was the niv study bible on the zondervan disc.


Any hard copy texts i use regularly MUST be in accordance as accordance is my go to app and its great having them in one place but they are quick to search and access.


If you use it and rely on it, get it in accordance.




I would only Think twice if you have it and dont use or now have a better resource in accordance.

I have also bought hard copies of some of my accordance resorces as hard copy also has a place.

Read abram's review on sacred bridge for an example.

Edited by ukfraser
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Many key smaller resources I have double bought and in the case of New Interperter's Bible and Word Biblical I have doubled in major sets the NIB because I value it as my most indespensable work and WBC came along years ago after my owning it in Logos for a price I couldn't pass up.



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Dan,  do you mean the New Interpreter's commentary or dictionary?

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Yes, I have "double bought" many items already.


UBS4 - Greek New Testament

BHS - Hebrew Bible

CUV - Chinese Union Bible


Like Dan mentioned above, many smaller works.

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Yes, I have double bought quite a number of resources, including most of the Word Biblical Commentary, the NICOT/NICNT, the IVP dictionaries, etc.  It is simply a function of these only being available in print when I originally bought them, and now preferring to have them in Accordance.  And actually, I have double bought the resources you mention.  I simply far prefer the ease of having my reference works with me on my computer and iPad wherever I go.  If I go away for a study week, there is no way to carry all of those works with me, but in Accordance I already have them.  And when I picked up most of them on sale in Accordance the value was phenomenal - far cheaper than in print.


In Christ,



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Oh, yeah, I have done it a lot over the years. At first I simply used digital and print resources differently. As Accordance evolved and Apple diversified its products, adding laptops, iPhones, and iPads, I started using my digital products everywhere and for everything. I started selling (or giving away) my print resources (much to my students' delight). Now, I am to the point where I actually resent the space print resources consume in my smallish study—and their weight and bulk when I want to consult them out of the office. I love being able to research on the road and in the coffeehouses.

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I have several works in in both hard copy and in Acc. Anything I want to work through intensively I prefer in print. So for example I have been reading in print Wallace's Greek grammar over the last few days, specifically the chapters on the Article. But I use it in Accordance also when I just need to look something up.


Likewise I have Mounce's BBG in print and I worked through it in print but have it in Accordance for searching and reference. I also have stuff in print that I only ever use now in Acc like BDAG. That's just simply that one rarely sits down and reads a great length of text in a lexicon, though if I had to read the several pages on εν I would quite possibly sit down with the print edition.


A lot of stuff I've bought in Acc I will never duplicate in print though but the other way around has been useful.




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I started to "double buy" a few years ago when I moved my studies to electronic publications. They are so much easier to use that paper with search and linking capabilites, as well as built in lexicon support, I don't currently use paper for anything, except a few pubs that are older and not available electronically.

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I've always thought that if it's worth having in paper, it's even more valuable in a digital format. 

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Thank you all for your replies! I definitely see the benefit of having the resources in Accordance, looks like I may have to start giving away and selling some of my print books. Haha

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By the grace of God I was able to sacrificially build a very solid personal home library over the years in print.  And my main reason initially for getting Accordance was its searching capabilities in the original languages of the OT and NT.  Instead of using my hardcopy concordances, I wanted to use a program that will allow me to make comprehensive searches and conduct them in less time than via the traditional method.  Over time I have noticed great benefits of having lexicons, commentaries, and other reference resources in Accordance.  Before Accordance, I would manually compose a Scripture index for certain books that did not have one for future reference.  Now with Accordance all of that time is spent more productively in my studies.  Searching for a verse or anything for that matter is very easy and fast in Accordance.  Ofcourse, it will take me a while to double buy everything I owe in print, but some of the more primary works call for immediate attention for use in Accordance (like hardcopy lexicons, reference works without indexes, etc.).  Many times instead of double buy I have purchased new and significant works in Accordance that I do not owe in print (and at a bargain price!).  I have to admit that I still benefit from my hardcopy books, but Accordance has been and will continue to be extremely important and very much needed in my studies.  Kudos to the Accordance team!     

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I discovered early on that once I had a title in Accordance, I never used the print version. So, I ended up selling print copies of anything I had in Accordance. 

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We often lend our paper copies to others, particularly those sharing leadership of home groups, for example tom wright, nivac and tyndale commentaries not to mention study bibles or heavier volumes to those studying.


Something you cant do with accordance (there is a separate thread on licenses).


Accordance is invaluable. But paper copies also have a place (plus i have triple bought common worship ending up with a lovely feeling and smelling leather bound copy of this beautifully type set volume so i have copies to lend and leave at church for emergency cover).

Edited by ukfraser
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Yes, amen amen, to all what you guys have said. I'm glad to have Accordance, definitely a blessing!! God is good!

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I meant the commentary but do have the dictionary doubled up too..



PS: I do not have a huge print refernce library any more but things like ISBE and my NIB are things I will not get rid of.

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