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add a right-click "Paste and Match Style"?


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I am working a lot with the new Accordance module for the Italian Bible (CEI).  I'm working through the Gospel of Mark in Italian, creating translation notes for each verse within My Notes.  I'm doing lots of copying and pasting back and forth within Accordance, between MSWord, Firefox, and Accordance, etc.

Within Accordance, under the Edit menu, there is an option for Paste and Match Style.  It is crucial for me to use this option for pasting, because if I don't use it, whatever font/size/style/color that was used in the original source will be preserved when I paste into My Notes. So I'm using Paste and Match Style a lot, but it requires moving the cursor all the way to the top-left of the screen to select the Edit menu option.  There is a quadruple keystroke option available, but that's extremely cumbersome, arguably worse than having to move the cursor so far.  What would help me the most would be a right mouse click option.  Is there any way to add that feature to the existing right-click options?  Or failing that, how about adding the command to the Accordance command bar at the top of each Accordance window?  Anything to save the time it takes to move the cursor all the way to the top left of my computer screen?

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This doesn't necessarily help you out but Shift + Option + Command + V is the standard shortcut for Paste and Match in every Mac App. If you can get used to the key command it will at least work for you (almost) everywhere. 

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You can also use the System Preferences…/Keyboard/Shortcuts/App Shortcuts

to remap the key combinations for the Accordance menu items. Just change ⌘v to Past and Match Style.

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