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User tool import: blockquotes & internal hyperlinks

Tim Campbell

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Hi all.


I publish a lot of my sermons and college essays via WordPress, and have developed some basic scripts for importing posts into Accordance as user tools (available on request to whoever wants them - should work for any RSS feed, in theory).


I have a couple of questions about what can be achieved in user tools, however:


1) Is the html <blockquote> tag supported, or is there a workaround that would allow me to achieve the same thing (i.e. an indented block quote)?

2) Is it possible to create internal hyperlinks within a user tool?


The context for question 2 is that I frequently use footnotes and endnotes in my work, and would like to be able to hyperlink a note indicator (superscript 1) to an endnote, and, ideally, have the note appear in 'instant details'.


I am likely to want to import regularly, so would prefer a method that will work smoothly via html import, rather than having to edit file after every import.

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1. Not possible to do body quote or indentation of any kind except tabs via import or in the user tool itself

2. Internal links are basically module specific search criteria: You can create internal links by either following the format in the help file, or doing the search, then right clicking and selecting the "Copy as User Tool Link"


The user tool links are not hidden behind descriptive text as they are in html A tags. I also don't think they'll be recognized on import (though it would be a nice feature!)


From the help file:

Links to Texts, Tools, and User Tools


Brackets are used to link to any Accordance text or tool, using the formula: [module name, field name, search criteria (word(s) or reference)]. For texts the field name should be w for Words or v for Verses. For tools enter the full name of the field. The search entry must be in English characters but will work in a different field.


For example, in a text
[GNT-T, W, agaph]
will open and search the GNT-T for the word for love, and [Easton, Entry, Earth] will find the article on “Earth” in Easton, while [Easton] will only open Easton without searching. Nearby English words can be included in the link, such as this example of a Greek word in BDAG: [bDAG, Greek Entry, agaph] Love.


Copy as User Tool Link in the contextual menu and Copy As submenu of the Edit menu copies the module name, field, and search entry for use as a link. These items are active in the argument entry box of Search, Tools, and User Tools windows. The blue underline style is applied automatically when the link is pasted.

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Thanks mikes - that's more or less the answer I expected, if not quite the one I hoped for! I guess I'll go and re-post in the feature requests section :-)

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