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Added analysis window feature


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I'd like to suggest adding a feature to the analysis window. When doing a key number search, the analysis window displays a list of English words linked to a given Strong's number. Would it be possible to set up the window so that the user could right-click (?) on each word and open a window to display just the verses where that individual word is included? That window could be shut down with Cmd-W, and another one opened the same way working your way down through the list of words.


The only way I've been able to do that thus far is to type one of the words back into my original search, use the @ symbol and run the search again with the Key number. Time after time.... If there is a better way, I'd appreciate hearing about it, if not adding a feature to the analysis window would make doing that kind of research incredibly fast and profitable.


Thanks for your time. Enjoy the holidays.

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I believe the ability to search for a word in combination with a Key number from the Analysis window is on our list, but I have no idea when it will happen. In the meantime, with a little set-up, you can streamline this process.


First, you search for an English word in a Strong's text (ESVS for example), then open an your Analysis listing all the Key numbers. Control-click a Key number and select the Key numbered text you're working in from the Search In submenu of the contextual menu. This will open a new tab (probably named ESVS 2) and do the search for that Key number. That gets you halfway there, but you want to include the @ symbol and the English word you originally searched for. Here's how you can do it:


Use the keyboard shortcut command-D to duplicate the tab that appeared when you searched for the Key number. This new tab is probably named ESVS 3. Hit the tab key to select the contents of the argument entry box and type the English word you want, followed by the @ symbol. Now comes the power-user tip: Use the keyboard shortcut shift-command-H to insert the HITS command after the @ symbol. In the dialog that appears, choose the name of the tab you just duplicated (ESVS 2), click the Key Numbers radio button, then click OK. Your search argument should now read:


word@[HITS=k ESVS 2]


Because the HITS command will automatically use the key numbers found in ESVS 2, you can now go back to your original Analysis window and control click each Key number to get the result you want in the ESVS 3 tab.


Obviously, once you've set all this up, you'll want to avoid closing any of these tabs and save the workspace so you can use it again. I hope this helps.

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Thanks for sharing this David. I tried it and it's a nice trick. Not sure I would have figured that one out on my own

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