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Text Information - How?

Monty Lee

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When I open the Library Window, I see all the Texts and Tools. Sometimes the abbreviated name slips my mind, like SB. How do I "Get Info" on the text to find out the name and any other general info (I recall a previous version of Accordance would display the publication date and other information).


So how can I find out text details?



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If you mouse over the abbreviation in the library window it will give you the full text information. Also, when actually viewing a text, if you select About This Text... from the Accordance menu, that will give you full information for the text. Finally, we are currently working on enhancing the Library window some more to make it easier to find texts, even if you forget the abbreviation.

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If you mouse over the abbreviation in the library window it will give you the full text information. Also, when actually viewing a text, if you select About This Text... from the Accordance menu, that will give you full information for the text. Finally, we are currently working on enhancing the Library window some more to make it easier to find texts, even if you forget the abbreviation.


Aha! Thanks--must have missed that about the mouseover in the update notes. Thanks for the help.

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