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Searching for words across more than 1 verse

Bret Hicks

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I did a search for all occurrences of "faith" "hope" and "love" in the NIV and it listed 4 verses - 1 Cor 13:13; Col 1:5; 1 Thess 1:3 and 1 Thess 5:8. However, in the Greek, the words"faith" and "love" do not actually occur in Colossians 1:5, but are repeated from Colossians 1:4. This made me think, how would I search for the same three words, but allow them to occur in 2 verses instead of one? In other words, something like:


"faith" <AND> "hope" <AND> "love" WITHIN 2 verses (except the WITHIN command does not seem to allow this).


Is there a way to do this?




In Christ,




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Of course there is! :)


You need to change the pop-up labeled Search in every from Verse to a larger unit like Sentence or Paragraph. Any items joined by a search command will then appear within the same sentence or paragraph, even if they're in different verses.


If you want to specify proximity within the larger unit, use the WITHIN command with a larger proximity such as 10, 20, or 50 words.


Hope this helps.

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