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Mounce book and class using Accordance


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Mounce's new approach for Greek for English bible translations study appears to have a video series that highly endorses, and uses Accordance!


Check the "resources" section to see what modules in Accordance he recommends. There's also a mention of some resources that are forthcoming "next week" that are mentioned in Mounce's screencast.

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Thanks, we are ready to go with our announcement, but his new modules require Accordance 9.5 which will be out any day now. We are very excited at the collaboration with Dr. Mounce.

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Mounce's new approach for Greek for English bible translations study appears to have a video series that highly endorses, and uses Accordance!


Check the "resources" section to see what modules in Accordance he recommends. There's also a mention of some resources that are forthcoming "next week" that are mentioned in Mounce's screencast.

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I can wait unit all of this material is available....I have been taking Mounce's "Basics of Biblical Greek" for about 3 weeks on video on my own...he is an outstanding teacher and I like his approach...I listened to several of his "new Accordance training videos" last night ( available on his website)...and I can't wait to get Accordance 9.5, and his teaching materials..I have already purchased everything Accordance offers by Mounce currently...I will always be a "baby Greek" student (I don't memorize well) but with Accordance I can deepen my study..I also recommend the syntac modules Accordance offers...perhaps Accordance will do the same with Hebrew getting someone to teach "basic Hebrew"....I have had some Hebrew training but would always like more (visual training not just reading...)




PS I can't figure out how to delete my accidental post #3..

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