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Patrick McDonald

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Hello Helen,

I wanted to thank you for your gracious help with my Accordance order last fall. I'm sorry I've been so dilatory in getting back to you; but I've been absolutely swamped. Between hurricanes, new jobs, and church duties, I've just been overwhelmed.


I'm a lay biblestudy leader in my church. My class is a fairly advanced group, with several seminary graduates, and one retired pastor. All are educated, usually with advanced degrees, and several have PhD's. I have to be really good to stay ahead of that bunch. I'm a former Bibleworks user, now migrated to the Mac. Accordance is my secret weapon for the sunday school class. I just finished my rotation as class leader, and I was able to do a very fine job with all of the superior resources I have with Accordance. The class members were all very complimentary, even the seminary graduates learned a few things.


The main resources I use for the class are a parallel NRSV and either BHS or GNT, HALOT or BDAG for lexical work, and the Calvin commentaries for background. I've found the LXX to be very useful as a Greek resource and bridge between the OT and NT. I also use the Greek Apostolic Fathers for a Greek resource. I'm learning Greek and Hebrew on my own, I have about two semesters worth of Greek and about one semester of Hebrew. I've just been very impressed with the depth of resources available with Accordance, and how easy it was to learn to use. The interface is highly intuitive, and mostly worked exactly the way I expected. Having access to the original languages has really elevated my biblestudy, and Accordance is such a wonderful tool for original language work. Thanks very much to you and the folks at Oak Tree for providing such a powerful resource.


I do have one question for you. When I open a new window, such as a search window, the new window opens as a fairly small window, which I then have to resize using the mouse to get a full sized window. Is there a preference that I can set so that new windows open full size? If not, is there a key-board shortcut to make the active window enlarge? I looked and couldn't find either.


Thank you very much for your help, and thanks for such a wonderful product.

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Thank you for the testimonial to the usefulness of Accordance.


I recommend that you look at the first page of the Preferences. There are useful settings there as recommended in David's blog.


There is also an option either to open Accordance with the windows as they were when you closed it, or to create your own start-up session. That's what I recommend for you. Set up the windows as you want them to be at startup, and then go to the Preferences and set this as your default.

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