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Analysis of Highlights?

Rick Paquette

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I want to catalog the different ways Biblical Hebrew signifies the recipient(s) related to the verb NTN.


I intended to search for every instance of NTN, then use the highlight palette to discriminate between the different methods used to indicate the recipient(s). I thought (1) I would use Search>Enter Command>Style to isolate each method for indicating the recipient and (2) each of these searches would yield statistics about each method used.


However, on a trial run, I discovered that when I executed Search>Enter Command>Style, the search retrieves the appropriate verses, but the highlighted words are not registered as hits. (For instance, I highlighted two prepositional phrases in two separate verses. When I conducted the search, the two verses appear, but the line below the search box reads: 0 hits Verse 1 of 2.)


Is there any way to gather statisical information about words or phrases manually highlighted?

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No, the highlights you apply are not indexed in any way that could be used for statistics. I think your only option is to add each set of highlighted verses to a separate Reference list tab (Selection menu) and then do a search for the word [CONTENTS reflist] to get a search tab displaying those hits. This assumes that both kinds never occur in the same verse. You can then get your stats on each set.

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Thank you for your response, Helen. Unfortunately, the method you suggest still includes many false hits alongside valid ones in the same verse. For instance, the lamed preposition occurs three times in Genesis 1:29, but only one of those marks the recipient of the verb NTN. I'm not sure if this is the same complication you noted.


Still, your method makes the project a little bit easier by eliminating the verses where all the hits are false. And now, at least, I know that I am not overlooking an easier way to execute this project.

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